MVVM with Jetpack Compose: CRUD App

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For a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app using MVVM with Jetpack Compose, you would typically structure your app like this:

Architecture Breakdown

  1. View (Jetpack Compose UI)

    • Displays data to the user.

    • Collects user inputs and forwards them to the ViewModel.

  2. ViewModel

    • Holds UI state and exposes it via StateFlow or LiveData.

    • Calls repository methods to perform CRUD operations.

    • Uses MutableState in Compose for UI state management.

  3. Repository

    • Acts as a single source of truth for data.

    • Fetches data from local database or remote API.

  4. Model (Data Layer)

    • Represents the data structure.

    • Uses Room database for local persistence.

  5. Database (Room)

    • Stores data locally.

    • Provides DAO (Data Access Object) for querying.